The Audemars Piguet Foundations express Audemars Piguet’s gratitude to nature and mankind, whose resources have forged its success since 1875.

Our vision

Active in the fields of the environment, social equity and education, we work towards a sustainable world in which every individual can reach their full potential as part of resilient and autonomous communities.

Our missions

The Audemars Piguet Foundation for Trees promotes the conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems. We support initiatives that foster sustainable practices and behaviour to strengthen the resilience of communities and natural environments. 

The Audemars Piguet Foundation for Common Good promotes social equity and education. We support initiatives that encourage continuous skills development and facilitate access to the conditions and resources necessary for a better quality of life. 

Our approach

Active in Switzerland and worldwide, we put local populations at the heart of our action to help create virtuous circles by and for communities.

Our values

The three values that guide us are audacity, sustainability and humanism.

  • Being serious without taking ourselves too seriously enables us to think outside the box by giving us the means to take action and make a difference.
  • We seek to generate tangible, long-term positive impacts, and we value the transmission of know-how and skills from one generation to the next.
  • We are convinced that human beings are capable of creating extraordinary things as long as they can reach their full potential in accordance with their own ambitions.

Our fields of action

In addition to the donations we make to organisations focused on the environment, social equity and education, we finance one-off aid packages in the context of humanitarian crises and support associations working with communities in the regions in which Audemars Piguet is based.

The Audemars Piguet Foundations also act as spiritual godmothers/critical friends of the company’s ESG policy. As a result, we offer our expertise for social and environmental projects linked to the sourcing of raw materials, manage Audemars Piguet’s corporate volunteering programme and oversee the donations made by the brand in conjunction with charity auctions.

Engaged with our partners, we also support the non-profit sector through Organisational Development (OD) in order to contribute to institutional stability, self-reliance and the longevity of the NGOs we collaborate with. 


Established in Le Brassus, Switzerland, the Audemars Piguet Foundations pursue charitable aims that are in the public interest. They are integral to Audemars Piguet’s philanthropic vision and are fully funded by Audemars Piguet. The foundations are independent legal entities that report to the Supervisory Authorities for Foundations. We follow strict rules of governance and adhere to guidelines that clearly separate our activities from those of the company.

The Audemars Piguet Foundations are chaired by Jasmine Audemars and their operational management is entrusted to Susan Simmons Lagreau.